Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Spark Day Two!

I am happy to say that day two following Spark is going really well. It's an adjustment coming from Weight Watchers, because they give you a RANGE of values to aim within. But it's making me more aware of what i'm putting in my mouth. And hey - whatever it takes, right?

I've never been so aware of all the sodium and carbohydrates i'm consuming. Or the lack of protein for that matter. I think this will teach me a more healthful way of planning meals and making choices.

I've had a really bad couple of days emotionally because of work. I'm just very frustrated. I wake up in the morning and wish it was Saturday every morning. I hate wishing my life away!

I had a phone conversation with a friend last night who recently had a baby, and is trying to lose weight as well. It started out well, but I got pretty miffed when she started demanding reasons why I don't have a child or i'm not trying to get pregnant. I love her to death, but sometime's I just want to tell people who ask me those questions that it's none of their damn business!

The democratic presidential debates were on last night as well in Cleveland. I thought that might lift my spirits a bit (I enjoy keeping up with politics most of the time). It really just made me think that I might take my cousin Mike's idea of writing in Frank Zappa for the primaries! Or better yet - Stephen Colbert!

Today we had an ice cream social at work and I did really well. I brought a banana and ate that instead. When I saw the nutrition facts on the side of that half gallon of Graeter's it made mem think twice. I haven't snacked at ALL today either. I've listened to my body and drank lots of water and I really haven't been hungry! I'm proud of myself for that!

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