Monday, January 7, 2008

When Frustration Hits

I had a rough day today at work, and I tried very hard not to turn to food. I'm such an emotional eater. A friend of mine at work was very upset with me for circumstances beyond my control, and really only because she's very competitive, and things just suck for us not having a manager. I'll just leave it at that, but I was almost in tears at my desk for most of the afternoon.

I did well for breakfast and lunch. I've taken a liking to the Fiber One cereal i bought. It's good mixed with organic vanilla yogurt. This morning I mixed it with Light N' Fit Dannon that i bought at work. Ugh. I HATE artificial sweeteners.

For lunch I brought rice an a TJ's stir fry I made last night. After a few bites I realized how much I DIDN'T like what I had, and I opted for the asparagus soup downstairs in the small cafe. Maybe not my best choice, but it beat the other options, plus it supposedly had a vegetable base.

I had a fiber one bar for a snack around 4pm (they taste like candy bars - no lie!).

When I got home I was STARVING. Before I knew it, I had eaten a piece of cheese and some animal crackers while I made spaghetti. We had turkey chili w/spaghetti for dinner. It was filling and just what I needed, but I know I needed more veggies in my diet today that I would have gotten in that stir fry.

I splurged after dinner on a piece of Ghirardelli chocolate. It was my emotions hitting me, and the stress of work. I need to get myself into a healthier work environment.

But I did walk the dog for 30 minutes (it's 70 degrees here today!), and hit the elliptical machine at the gym for another 30 minutes. I skipped the weights, because i'm SUPER sore from pilates last night.

I'm still counting WW points, and I think I went over by one point today, but I think the elliptical makes up for it.

Overall, i'm pretty proud of my resistance on the stress eating.

Tomorrow the fun begins - dinner meetings for the next three nights for AIGA.


Blossom said...

The emotional eating is difficult; I'm a boredom eater myself. Sorry I don't have any tips for you there, as I usually end up giving in!! :-( At least you recognized it & made the best choices you could. I found you through Sarah's blog!

Sally JPA said...

For what it's worth, last year, I ended up incorporating a small daily snack (150-200 cal, approx.) each day when I got home from work, and giving myself permission to do that was very worthwhile. It meant I wasn't ravenous at dinner and wasn't as tempted to eat dessert after dinner, either--just felt more moderate all around. I still eat a snack after work if I'm not making dinner right away, but I've also gotten better about balancing what I eat during the day so that I'm USUALLY less ravenous when I get home. Eating just veggies at lunch will definitely drop your blood sugar if you have a tendency toward that, so make sure to get some healthy protein in there! :)