Monday, April 28, 2008

Oh the Anticipation!

I can't wait to see the results of this week's pedometer challenge! I think I did pretty well this week since on Wednesday I logged over 10 miles! I was on a trip to Madison, Wisconsin and had some hours to burn on Wednesday afternoon. Well burn, I did! It was a gorgeous, sunny 80 degree day. I did some exploring, met my friend for dinner and my uncle for after-dinner drinks. What a fabulous day!

It's been a busy busy past five days. With a whirlwind trip and some other family issues going on, I really had a nice (and somewhat emotional) time off. I'm totally procrastinating getting back into work, too! I ate well, and last I had checked, I lost the 3 pounds i've gained over the last few weeks. If I can keep up with the exercise regimen, and making good food choices, I think I can keep the momentum of not counting points, making wise choices and only eating until i'm full.

I unpacked most of my summer clothes this weekend and two pairs of capris I couldn't wear at the end of last season did fit. That's a good sign. I'm eager to keep going.

I had the realization this morning in my car that i'll be 30 in about 7 months. I promised myself I'd be 40 pounds lighter on my 30th birthday than on my 29th. So I have about 30 pounds to go. Time to get crackin!!

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