Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Recap of a fun weekend!

Wow, I have been MIA from this blog.

I really have been trying to think of something meaningful to say here. I realize I put too much pressure on myself to be entertaining in this arena though.

Chris and I had a really fun fun weekend. I made good food choices for the most part. We ate out entirely too much though, and I realize that's the root of most of my problems and why the scale seems to be stuck. It's something I need to work on. We have been cutting back on our spending, and we've been surprisingly successful at that - we've just had an abundance of free meal offers lately, and that can be hard to pass up!

Yesterday, after I weighed in (at the SAME weight - after three nights in a row of eating out, but having worked out 4 times last week - yay me), we spent the day downtown for Reds' opening day festivities.

It was a day of over consumption. I must have had 6 or 7 beers and two margaritas. Along with a veggie burger, chips, potato salad a slice of pizza and waffle fries. Boy oh boy. I feel like i'm in full-fledged detox mode today. On the upside, we rode the bus yesterday, so we walked a LOT, and i'm sure we got in some good calorie-burning offsets there! At least for a beer or two.

Today I woke up feeling like hell from what I hope is just my allergies - and not a head cold. I'm too beat to go work out, and i'm not sure if I should. I plan to do a little cooking to plan some meals for tomorrow, follow-up on some email, and then lay in bed. Sounds nice doesn't it? I feel terribly guilty though. I know I should work out. Or clean my house. Or work out. Ugh.

On the up side of things - I sucessfully worked under 45 hours last week. That won't be the case this week since I have to travel and work this weekend, but I do plan to work my alloted hours, and just tell my boss what I can't get done in that time. Not only am I severely burnt out, the HVAC system in my office is being replaced, and it has been (no lie!) 87 stagnant degrees in my office for a few weeks. I'm done torturing myself in more ways than one at that place!

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