Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pampering Myself

I don't get haircuts nearly as often as I should. I'll admit it. Having naturally curly hair, I just tend to let it go, because it's really hard to tell.

Chris encouraged me yesterday to do something nice for myself, because I have some things on the horizon that are stressing me out and exciting me all at the same time, and he felt like i needed it. And I do.

So today, I paid a visit to lovely lovely Muna. And she cut and flat-ironed my hair, which I always love. Here's the cheesy photo booth shot for y'all.

I took the 23rd-25th of April off of work, for some of these things on the horizon, and I scheduled a manicure for the morning of the 23rd. I can't wait!

I've been making really good food choices all this week, but I have to admit, that the weather's been too nice to go to the gym. I've been spending time outside in the fresh air, walking the dog. It's been awesome. I know i'm not burning the calories I should, but I'm sleeping like a baby, and that makes all the difference.

Pilates tonight though! And back to my workout routine for sure this weekend. Next week I haven't scheduled a single thing for myself after work, and I plan to plan and cook good healthy meals and work out!


R.Shack said...

you look great!
love your hair!

(don't you just love photo booth lol)

Sarah said...

The hair looks awesome! Since December I have been trying to get a manicure every 2 weeks. It is a HUGE splurge for me, but I love it. It is SO worth the $20 and I love the girl I got to. I just made a hair appointment for next week when I realized I hadn't had my hair cut since January.

I am excited for all of your upcoming work projects on the horizon!

Nikki said...

Thanks to both of you!! :)