Monday, April 14, 2008


I made it back to the gym tonight after a long hiatus - and I feel awesome!

I walked the dog before I went, and that fresh air really helped me. I did 40 minutes of cardio, and lower body weights. I came home feeling energized and breathing easier.

Isn't it amazing what a workout can do for you? Tomorrow my plan is to work on designing a web page - my first ever. And to pilates, and make a good tofu/veggie stirfry.

I realize that if I can just keep up my workout regimen I WILL lose weight. My eating isn't perfect, but it isn't awful either. I did pretty good today, with the exception of some cheez-its right before the gym. As long as I keep my fridge stocked with healthy snacks and meal options, i'm doing alright. For me, it's all about pre-planning and keeping up the workouts!

Happy Monday!

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