Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Nice Leisurely Saturday

I've had a pretty decent weekend foodwise. Friday night I did splurge on three glasses of white wine. I was so worked up about everything going on at work, and it' helped me relax. I know it's not really a healthy way of dealing with stress - but it sure felt good!

Yesterday I made it to the gym and did 35 minutes on the arc trainer. I'm really beginning to love that thing. I did upper body strength training, and Chris and I took the dog for a long walk in the sun! It was refreshing. After church, we went to dinner with our pastor, Ed, and two ladies from our church. It was nice. We went to the same Mexican place I visited last weekend with girlfriends. I convinced Chris to split the fajitas with me. He was very concerned that he'd leave hungry - but it was enough food for three people easily. And it was SOOO good. I ate more chips than I needed to, but I wasn't too worried. I'd made good choices all day long. We had every intention of going to see a movie after we stopped home to feed and let out the dog. But as we flipped channels for a few minutes, we found some good movies were on, and we settled in to watch Wedding Crashers. It was so relaxing. We eventually moved upstairs and curled up in bed with the dog betweeen us to watch the movie. I fell asleep by 11pm. But I needed the sleep!

This morning I got up, had some cereal and headed out to the gym. Today I did 40 minutes on the arc trainer and lower body strength training. I was so proud of 40 minutes on that machine. I really really like it. I haven't gotten bored on it yet. And i've worked myself up to a reasonable time after a long hiatus from the flu.

I had a grilled cheese and roasted turkey sandwich for lunch which was just amazing. Then I dropped Chris and his friend Jim off at UC for the basketball game and came into work. I'm still here. I did fall off the wagon a bit and splurged on some Graeter's we had in the freezer at work. It was worth every calorie, because I've really had some major chocolate cravings that I just want to satisfy so I can move on and not nibble on it here and there like I have been (hello thin mints in the freezer at home!).

Tonight, I am making Linda McCartney's Winter Lasagne recipe. It has lots of fresh spinach and mushrooms and not much cheese - it's sounds really healthy and really yummy. I'm also going to make a tofu-noodle stir fry for lunches this week, and prepare our meal for tomorrow night - Mahi Mahi, asparagus and fingerling potatoes. Sunday is my day to cook!

Back to work to get some stuff done so perhaps my week will be a bit less stressful!

I am still a little worried about stepping on the scale tomorrow morning, but we'll see what happens. I feel like i've eaten okay, but i'm not sure if it all will add up to a loss. If nothing else, I've gotten in three really good workouts this week, and two nights of Pilates at home. And i'm really starting to see the workout time as MY time to relax and unwind. This is a HUGE leap for me! Workouts have always always been a chore.

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