Friday, March 7, 2008

Must Be Late Winter Blahs?

I don't know what's happening with me! All the momentum from the last couple of weeks has just gone down the toilet.

It all started yesterday. I went to Target. I hate a huge chocolate craving. I bought a bag of Hershey's Eggs (the ones with the pastel candy shell - i heart them!). I brought them back to the office to share for a "decadent treat," as my coworker calls it. I promised myself the 8-piece 180 calorie serving would be it.

Two handfuls later...I thought "what the hell am I doing?

On the way home in the snow I stopped for lunch. Traffic was bumper to bumper and I was starving. I got some Tofu Thai Spicy at a thai place I usually don't go to. It was the greasiest thing I've eaten in months! Then I went across the street to the grocery store where I bought some kind of "Kajun Crab Dip." You know it's going to be fattening when they can't even spell the words right! I bought frozen pizza. I bought Cocoa pebbles. Oh yeah. And I bought a Heath bar.

What is wrong with me!?

I ate the Heath bar. I had two bowls of Cocoa Pebbles for dinner. And some of that "Kajun" delight on wheat thins. Sounds like a gourmet meal right?

And now I'm supposed to go to the neighbor's for girls night where I just found out my neighbor has prepared three kinds of desserts and bought wine.

I really don't know how I got here today. And all I can say is that I need to get to the gym tomorrow and stick to good habits. I just hope we don't get 8 more inches of snow on top of the 4-5 we already have like is forecasted for tonight.

That's the only excuse I've got. Winter Blahs!

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