Monday, March 3, 2008

Ugh. Week 8?

Okay, i'm having a bad day already. Negative post alert!

1. I stayed the same AGAIN this week. I hate plateaus
2. Chris' friend really annoyed me last night talking politics and i'm still in a foul mood from it today (a.k.a. i don't understand a gay man who votes republican!)
3. A lady at work who is in a management position is REALLY annoying me with "DROP EVERYTHING YOU'RE DOING" requests for something PERSONAL when she just had a half hour long conversation with me on Friday, keeping me here after 6pm, about how busy I am, and why i'm working weekends! URGGGGGGGGGGGGH!
4. It's GORGEOUS outside, and I will be chained to my desk all day with more work than I can possibly get done.

1 comment:


I am the queen of plateaus (my last one lasted a month!) so believe me when I say it'll pass if you keep chugging. And I'm totally with you about being frustrated with being chained to the desk during a beautiful day. I left the office an hour early today because after 8 hours of working in my windowless office I couldn't TAKE it anymore.