Monday, March 17, 2008

You win some, you lose some

I've taken a break from blogging for the last several days because my eating has been awful, my exercising has been limited to walking my dog, and my mood has been less than favorable because of work.

I took some steps last Friday to help myself remedy some of the work issues, and after working Saturday, I feel like i'm back on track to maybe work only about a 45 hour week this week. This is MAJOR.

I set out today to really concentrate on my eating, not really thinking about the chili cookoff that was scheduled at work. I'm embarrassed to say all that I ate today. And it all started with the fact that the lunch did not start until 1pm (I usually am starving by 11:30, and eat then), and I was eating Fritos that were sitting around because I was SO hungry.

Tomorrow's going to be a better day. It has to be. And I promised myself I would get back on track with my eating and with my exercising. And I promise you, my readers (all two of you out there!) that the posts to follow will be positive from an energized and on-track ME!!!!


Sarah said...

Sometimes we just need a break :)

I know you will be able to get back into the swing of things.

Wei Sic Meow said...

We all have our "downtimes" but it sounds like you are back on the upswing. Stay positive!