Wednesday, July 9, 2008

When Bad Days are...well...REALLY Bad.

In an attempt from saving myself from being dooced, I have really been mindful of my mentions of the working environment i spend so much time in. I have not mentioned how stressful, frustrating and overall mind-numbing the last year has been for me.

Nor have I mentioned my strategy around it...much. And I still can't.

My point here is that things have gone from bad to worse. A three-person team, has dwindled to a one-person team - ME. I'm the weakest link. The last man standing. The lone ranger. And I am happier than you can imagine for the other two team mates who have busted out.

It SUCKS though. I can't even express how bad it is for me at work right now. And for those of you who think about food like I do, it might illustrate my mental state when I mention that I don't find the time to eat. I don't care about eating, and I've been spending my free time drinking beer or sleeping.

So if I don't post as often as I should (or would like), understand that I am working to get myself out of the situation I am in. Send some good thoughts my way!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Nikki, hang in there. Things will get better.